Are you ready to grow your business? Join our show as we talk about every tool you need for real meaningful business growth. From digital marketing to sales to leadership, we talk strategy that is actionable and practical for both small business owners and seasoned entrepreneurs. If you’ve been looking for simple steps to get more customers and run a better business -- tune in to our weekly show. There’s no fluff here -- just Good Advice.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
#63 - The Difference Between Momentum & Dysfunction
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Are you waiting for your business to get more momentum? Hoping for more customers, better employees, and better results? Maybe you aren't waiting on Momentum -- you're trapped in Dysfunction.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
#62 - Victoria Levitan, Video Marketing Strategist
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Video content is quickly becoming one of the most impactful forms of content that can grow a business. What's the secret to meaningful, engaging video? Victoria Levitan tells the story of how she took the steps to discover this for her own business and then developed a niche out of helping other entrepreneurs, business owners, and creatives go to market with their own content. As a video marketing strategist, Victoria is an expert in creating engaging video content that builds your following and gets the results your business needs.
Read more at https://victorialevitan.com/ or connect with Victoria on Instagram @victorianlevitan.
Show Notes:
03:08 - Using YouTube to Build Your Brand
15:46 - Know, Like, Trust - The Three Secrets to Results-Driven Video
27:51 - How Your Followers and Your Brand Thrive Off Authenticity
38:32 - Getting Customer #1

Monday Aug 19, 2019
#61 - Giving Real, Honest Value
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
What's the secret to getting customers to buy? Is it the perfect copy? That urgent offer? An undeniable deal? When every other salesperson relies on tricks and gimmicks to convert the unsuspecting buyer, there's one advantage you can embrace: build a business that gives real, honest value. It will set you apart and will create a business that lasts.

Friday Aug 16, 2019
#60 - Clark Finnical, Career Expert and Two-Time Author
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
What would you do if your job was eliminated tomorrow? Would you have an answer? Clark Finnical is a career expert whose job wasn't eliminated just once -- but four times. Despite this, Clark has developed a prolific career that has kept him highly sought out for his expertise and results-driven approach. He's a Career Expert and has walked in the shoes of the job seeker, often being called "The Job Seeker's Advocate". He's also a Two-Time Author -- "Job Hunting Secrets (from someone who's been there)" and "LinkedIn Strategies to Take Your Career to the Next Level" both available via Amazon. If you are looking to elevate your career and find that perfect job, this episode is a must listen.
Connect with Clark on LinkedIn or read more at www.thewiseramerican.com.
Show Notes:
04:16 - Becoming the Job Seeker's Advocate
14:02 - Toxic Cultures and Why Change Initiatives Fail
21:00 - Hiring Secrets To Make You Stand Out

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
#59 - Candor and My Biggest Leadership Regret
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Every company has "that one person" who's hard to manage. More importantly, every company at some point will struggle with the challenge of accountability. But what if the answer isn't some kind of performance plan? What if the answer isn't extensive training? The best solution (and the fastest solution) may be in something you've never considered -- a simple conversation.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
#58 - Lauren Smothers, Founder of Restore the Home NWA
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
How did a mom turn her hobby into a profitable passion? Lauren Smothers -- the founder of Restore the Home NWA -- tells the story of how a closed door led to developing her gifting for organizing things into one of NWA's best businesses. Lauren has made it her mission to turn a house into something special -- home, sweet home.
Connect with Lauren at restorethehome@gmail.com or www.restorethehome.com.
Show Notes:
03:04 - How Passion Turned into a Paying Business
09:39 - The Enneagram as a Guide for Good Business
17:07 - Work-Life Balance as an Entrepreneur
22:02 - Restoring a House to Feel Like a Home
36:54 - Growing Your Business and Ignoring the Competition
50:45 - Overcoming "Busy" by Stewarding Your Time
59:32 - The Magic of Networking and Getting Referrals

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
#57 - Why Employees Keep Talking About Money Instead of Mission
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Are your employees money-grubbing? Greedy? Selfish? Why does it feel like even with the most compelling mission, that some employees can't stop focusing on their paycheck?
Maybe it isn't their fault. Maybe getting them focused on the mission means getting their most basic needs taken care of first.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
#56 - Diana Nguyen, #DancingDiana on LinkedIn
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
How did a creative entrepreneur shake LinkedIn with a hashtag and a love for dancing? As an actress and comedian, Diana tells the incredible story of how she put an expiration date on her unhappiness and decided to throw herself fully into LinkedIn. Through daily video content, Diana has built a massive social media following and uses her platform to talk about #BeBrave and why LinkedIn has changed her life. Not only is she passionate about social justice and sustainability, Diana continues to be a source of joy, laughter, and optimism. Get engaged at #DancingDiana or follow her on LinkedIn. You can also learn more at www.diananugyen.com.au.
Show Notes:
03:24 - Creative Entrepreneurship
10:10 - How Diana Built Her Community on LinkedIn Through Dancing and Authenticity
19:04 - Selling Your Personal Brand over Your Business
32:56 - An Authentic Life Means Living Free
42:17 - Why Your Struggle Needs an Expiration Date
46:25 - How to Engage and Embrace New Perspectives

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
#55 - Say Goodbye to Team Building
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Your team doesn't need another team building event. They need a real investment in their culture. They need to feel valued. They need to feel recognized. They need to feel like their work matters. Why don't companies spend time on this? Because taking the team on an outing is easier (and cheaper). If you want a high-performing team, it will take investing to play in the long game rather than keeping the troops happy in the short term.

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
#54 - Lila Smith, Founder of Say Things Better
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Saying things better doesn't just get you better relationships. It gets your business better results too. In this episode, Lila Smith shares her incredible journey of discovering her identity -- from acting in New York City to becoming an international phenomenon on personal brand. Lila is the founder of Say Things Better, a company that equips people to own their authenticity while captivating people to their message. If you're ready to learn how to speak confidently through the giftings you've been uniquely designed with, this episode is a must listen. Connect with Lila at SayThingsBetter.com, at lila@saythingsbetter.com, @LilaLasagna on IG, or Lila Smith on LinkedIn.
Show Notes:
04:15 - The Power of Personal Brand
11:20 - Your Identity Is Not a Title
34:04 - Learning to Master Your Confidence
50:04 - A Two-Minute Drill to Be a Great Communicator
1:04:49 - Values that Get More Customers and Better Employees